Biography hd lyngsat

biography hd lyngsat

Asianet HD - LyngSat

  • HD: Eng: Conax Irdeto Videoguard: Total TV Bosna & Hercegovina Total TV Makedonija Total TV Crna Gora Total TV Srbija Total TV Hrvatska Total TV Slovenija: OI 170322: 16.0°E: Eutelsat 16A: Europe A 0: 11231 V: DVB-S2 QPSK: 42000 5/6: MPEG-4 HD: Eng: Conax: Total TV DigitAlb: OI 210813: 4.8°E: Astra 4A: Nordic 0: 11785 V: DVB-S2 8PSK: 27500 5/.
  • 1w lyngsat History HD Europe © LyngSat, last updated 2025-01-15
    8w lyngsat MPEG-4/HD: 618: 638 Eng: 11553 H tp 23 Pan Europe: DVB-S2 8PSK 22000 2/3: SES: 1-1023: 6.6: Wellikan 241219: 5800: Augsburg TV: MPEG-4/HD: 1010: 1012 Ger: 5801: München TV: MPEG-4/HD: 1020: 1022 Ger: 5802 [RFO info card] MPEG-4/HD: 1030: 1032 Ger: 5804: TV Ingolstadt: MPEG-4/HD: 1050: 1052 Ger: 5805 [Lokal-TV-Portal info card] MPEG-4/HD: 1001.
    thor 0.8 w flysat Sweden, Latest Channel updates: 241101: Viasat History HD left Thor 7: 12169 H 240831: Viasat History HD started on Thor 6: 11747 H.

    Thai TV 5 HD - LyngSat

      HD: Eng: Conax Irdeto Videoguard: Total TV Bosna & Hercegovina Total TV Makedonija Total TV Crna Gora Total TV Srbija Total TV Hrvatska Total TV Slovenija: OI °E: Eutelsat 16A: Europe A 0: V: DVB-S2 QPSK: 5/6: MPEG-4 HD: Eng: Conax: Total TV DigitAlb: OI °E: Astra 4A: Nordic 0: V: DVB-S2 8PSK: 5/.

    History TV 18 - LyngSat

      Colour legend: (based on your location) Beam: Within footprint center: Within footprint: Outside of footprint: Below horizon: Beam data unavailable: Frequency: Ku band: C band: S/Ka band.

    Redlight HD - LyngSat

      HD: Ger: Irdeto Marlin Nagravision Videoguard: T Viererbe H tp 55 Europe 0: DVB-S2 8PSK SR FEC 3/4: Disney Channel Deutschland: MPEG-4 HD Ger: Marlin Nagravision Viaccess Videoguard: T Viererbe Deluxe Music: MPEG-4 HD Ger: Marlin Nagravision Viaccess Videoguard: N Schlammer Sport.

    HD+ on Astra 1KR/1L/1N at 19.2°E - LyngSat

  • United States, Latest Channel updates: 240605: History Europe left Astra 3B: 12012 V 240523: History Europe started on Astra 3B: 12110 H.

  • Headlines

    Only selected headlines are presented here. Several more updates take place every day.
    More details are available in LyngSat Daily and on the satellite charts.

    Week 3
    250119Niaga TV on Measat 3b
    1 KBR on Express AM7
    Zee Alwan left Badr 8
    Clear TV and The Sniper One TV on Eutelsat 7B
    ORTC TV and World Evangelism TV left Eutelsat 7B
    M24 TV left Eutelsat 3B
    Al Jazair El Khairia on Eutelsat 8 West B
    250118Niaga TV and Izzah TV left Measat 3b
    JN Power TV on ABS 2
    Zoe Extra left Intelsat 20
    Canal 3 Niger left Badr 8
    Sunnah TV and Star TV on Amos 17
    Canal 3 Niger, Manara TV, Sunna TV Kano and Tauraruwa TV left Amos 17
    Sharjah Quran TV on Eutelsat 8 West B
    Woohoo on Intelsat 35e
    TV Perú left Intelsat 35e
    250117Insan TV, Ashiil TV, Surau T

    OK Vision on ABS 2A at 75.0°E - LyngSat

      Colour legend: (based on your location) Beam: Within footprint center: Within footprint: Outside of footprint: Below horizon: Beam data unavailable: Frequency: Ku band: C band: S/Ka band.

    Interpreting Lyngsat Data -

  • History Asia started on Apstar 7: 11052 V Latest World additions: 250116: Watan HD on ChinaSat 12 History Asia © LyngSat, last updated 2025-01-16 - https.
  • PSTV HD - LyngSat Stream

  • LyngSat - World wide, daily updated frequency listings: Dishes: Simba HD - Fransat (DVB-S/S2 - Viaccess) Related equipment: AOR AR ( MHz) - radio;.
  • Free TV from United States - LyngSat -