Gabe barrett m25 biography

gabe barrett m25 biography

Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Mission:M25 is a national ministry to the overlooked, lost, and hurting in today’s society.

For more than 25 years, we’ve been teaching churches to get out of their four walls and back into their communities.

Serving the First Nations People

On a hot July morning of 2014 in Key West, FL, about 40 riders fired off their Harley Davidsons or other American made motorcycles just before 0600. All of the […]

4CPR – Four Corners Prayer Ride

God bless our nation…… God heal our land…….. Our nation is in great need of God….. so, Lord, we ask for Your anointing, Your Power, that we might turn this […]

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  • May 11, 2021
  • Biker, christianity, Church, evangelists, Homeless, Israel, Mission:M25, pastors, Patriots, Uncategorized, Veterans

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M25 Mission Camp has openings for youth groups this summer to ...

  • Gabe Barrett graduated from Auburn University with a degree in English.
  • So That: Allowing God to Redeem the Past and Transform the ...

  • #StaffSpotlight Everybody meet our fearless leader, Gabe Barrett!
  • #StaffSpotlight Everybody meet our... - M25 Mission Camp The College Strategy Guide eBook : Barrett, Gabe ...

  • #StaffSpotlight Everybody meet our fearless leader, Gabe Barrett!
  • When did you? - Ministry Matters

      Gabe Barrett graduated from Auburn University with a degree in English.

    RoboMon | The Tabletop Adventure! by Gabe-Barrett - Gamefound

  • I came across a mission camp, “M25,” led by a man named Gabe Barrett.
  • Gabriel Gabe Gilmour, Biography -

      I came across a mission camp, “M25,” led by a man named Gabe Barrett.

    Mission:M25 – For the Least of These

      In , I co-founded the M25 Mission Camp that organizes mission trips for high school and college students to serve the homeless in Atlanta.
    Gabe Barrett graduated from Auburn University with a degree in English.
    This is a list of solved missing person cases of people who went missing in unknown locations or unknown circumstances that were eventually explained.

    Gabe-Barrett - Gamefound

      “Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.” (Matthew ) Mission:M25 is a national ministry to the overlooked, lost, and hurting in today’s society.