Jesuits paraguay reductions

jesuits paraguay reductions

Reductions of Paraguay | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia

  • Jesuit Reductions of Paraguay .
  • Christendom in the Jungle: The Jesuit Missions in Paraguay

    July 2020Print

    The Jesuit Missions in Paraguay

    By Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara

    The Jesuit reductions were a type of settlement for indigenous people in the Rio Grande do Sul area of Brazil, Paraguay, and neighboring Argentina in South America, established by the Jesuit Order early in the 17th century and wound up in the 18th century with the banning of the Jesuit order in Europe. The Jesuits attempted to create a “state within a state” in which the native peoples in the reductions, guided by the Jesuits, would remain autonomous and isolated from Spanish colonists and Spanish rule. A major factor attracting the natives to the reductions was the protection they afforded from enslavement and the forced labor.

    For centuries the Church faithfully carried out the mission entrusted by Our Lord to His Apostles: Go, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,

    jesuit missions brazil In 1609 three Jesuits began the first reduction in San Ignacio Guazú in present-day Paraguay.
    what was the purpose of the jesuit reductions in south america Location of the most important Spanish Jesuit reductions (1631-1767) in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay with present-day borders.
    jesuit missions in south america Altogether the Jesuits founded approximately 100 Reductions, some of which were later destroyed; 46 were established between 1638 and 1768.

    The Jesus and Trinidad Jesuit Missions of Paraguay

      Location of the most important Spanish Jesuit reductions () in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay with present-day borders.

    Father General visits a Paraguay Reduction

      The Jesuit Reductions of Paraguay, one of the most singular and beautiful creations of Catholic missionary activity, have contributed more than any other factor to fix the name of Paraguay in history.


  • The Jesuits, in the 17th and 18th Centuries, achieved this bold experiment in religious colonisation.
  • Jesuits Waged War for the Guaraní People - HistoryNet

    Reductions of Paraguay -

    South America Undiscovered: Jesuitic Reductions - Paraguay

  • These 30 Guaraní Jesuit reductions were located along and near two of the most important rivers of the Rio de la Plata Basin: the Paraná and Uruguay Rivers and.
  • Lost Cities of Paraguay: Art and Architecture of the Jesuit ...

      The Reductions of Paraguay have been called a model theocratic commonwealth.

    The Jesuit Missions in South America: Jesuits Reductions in ...

  • The Jesuits, in the 17th and 18th Centuries, achieved this bold experiment in religious colonisation.