Micky haxhiislami biography books

micky haxhiislami biography books

Plisi Shouldn’t Exist Only in Museums

The disappearance of handcraft and the old tools for the processing of plis, the traditional Albanian hat, complicates the campaign to get plis on UNESCO&#;s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The corner store where the year-old Nijazi Kasapi used to work and store his traditional work tools is now a modern building.

Kasapi learned how to craft plis, the traditional Albanian hat, at the age of Now, his profession as a plis-maker has disappeared.

As demand for the traditional white caps has fallen, so has the interest in learning how to craft them. Instead of passing his tools down to a family member, as his father did with him, Kasapi handed over his plis-making tools to the Museum of Peja. 

The year-old said that he is very upset that his house had been torn down to build apartments and that he no longer has the opportunity to keep his old work tools in his house.

It is possible that the plisi and the old work tools will become

Micky Haxhiislami on LinkedIn: ALBANIAN MEN'S COSTUME From ...

  • Born in Peja in the Summer of , Mithat Haxhiislami, the youngest child of the family, who others call him Micky, managed to travel to many countries during his life, and became an entrepreneur in Japan.
  • Historia e shqiptarit, Miki Haxhiislami në Tokio: Martesa me ...

      Leading 5 manufacturers in Asia to achieve strategic objectives from initial idea to mid and long-term conclusions.

    Micky Haxhiislami on LinkedIn: Faleminderit Portali TELEGRAFI ...

  • THE ILLYRIANS - A very valuable book written by the famous Austrian Albanologist Prof.
  • Micky Haxhiislami on LinkedIn: #pelasgians #pelasgianhistory ...

  • On January 28, 1936, in Gjirokastra was born Ismail KADARE, the great Albanian novelist, poet, essayist, and playwright.
  • Micky Haxhiislami: Si po zhvilloj biznes në diasporë
    I N T E R E S T I N G‼️ About the special position of the Dardanians in the Iliad, Grace Harriet Macurdy (1866-1946) speculates it might have had a religious.
    Micky Haxhiislami: Exactly, January 19, marks 18 years since my family moved from London to the Japanese capital, Tokyo.
    Micky Haxhiislami▻Albanian Vintage Photography, people, cities, culture and history ) in his book History of Athens in 1896: Between.

    Micky Haxhiislami on LinkedIn: Books and doors are the same ...

      Micky thotë se sfidat kanë filluar që nga mosnjohja e gjuhës japoneze, ballafaqimi me një kulturë pune krejtësisht tjetër në krahasim me vendet perëndimore.

    Micky Haxhiislami - Facebook

  • Mithat (Micky) Haxhiislami AREAS OF EXPERTISE • Detailed experience of the global market for medical, healthcare, and cosmetic products.
  • Plisi Shouldn’t Exist Only in Museums - Prishtina Insight

      Micky ka lindur në Pejë më 7 qershor është fëmija më i vogël nga 5 fëmijët nga çifti Islam Haxhiislami nga Peja dhe Nanije (Lleshi) Haxhiislami nga Gjakova.

    The Albanian entrepreneur in Japan, Micky, whose story goes ...

      Mithat (Micky) Haxhiislami FUSHAT E EKSPERTIZËS • Përvojë të detajuar të tregut global për produkte mjekësore, shëndetësore dhe kozmetike.