Octave gengou biography of alberta

octave gengou biography of alberta

100th Anniversary of Jules Bordet's Nobel Prize: Tribute to a ...

  • Gengou was a Belgian bacteriologist who went on to develop the first pertussis vaccine in 1912, based on killed B. pertussis bacteria.
  • Octave Gengou - Wikipedia

  • Octave Gengou (27 February , Ouffet – 25 April , Brussels) was a Belgian bacteriologist.
  • Pertussis Timeline

    Major milestones in our history of interactions with Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of Whooping Cough.
    This timeline was produced as educational material for the CMI-PB project.

    First Epidemic Reported

    The oldest known pertussis epidemic is thought to be the Paris outbreak of 1578. This was documented in detail by the French physician Guillaume de Baillou who described the classic symptoms of the disease.

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    The Name "Pertussis" First Appears

    The name pertussis (from Latin for "intensive cough") was first introduced by the English physician Thomas Sydenham in 1670. This name took over by the end of the decade. Earlier names included hooping cough, tusis perennis, tussis epidemica infantum, and tusis quinta.

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    Discovery of Bordetella pertussis

    In 1900, Jules Bordet along with Octave Gengou observed a small ovoid bacterium in the sputum of a 5-month old child suffering from pertussis. However, the dis

    Octave Gengou - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

  • Gengou, researchers have studied BP and the associated disease in various populations.
  • [Note on the life and works of Professor Octave Gengou ...

      Their work led to the development of the complement-fixation test, a diagnostic technique that was used to detect the presence of infectious agents in the blood, including those that cause typhoid, tuberculosis, and, most notably, syphilis (the Wassermann test).

    Octave Gengou | Belgian bacteriologist | Britannica

  • Octave Gengou (27 February 1875, Ouffet – 25 April 1957, Brussels) was a Belgian bacteriologist.
  • Octave Gengou |

      Biography Historical Article MeSH terms History, 19th Century History, 20th Century OCTAVE GENGOU.
    Jules Bordet, the Discoverer of Bordetella pertussis: The ...
    Besides numerous contributions to the fundamental concepts of immunology and bacteriology,.
    Other articles where Octave Gengou is discussed: Jules Bordet: continued his immunity research with Octave Gengou, his brother-in-law.
    The genus of the bacterium that causes pertussis is named after Jules Bordet who with.

    How to pronounce Octave Gengou |

      Biography Historical Article MeSH terms History, 19th Century History, 20th Century OCTAVE GENGOU.

    Pertussis timeline - CMI-PB

      Octave Gengou (–), a Belgian physician and bacteriologist, joined Bordet in Metchnikoff's laboratory.