Pascual orozco biography books

pascual orozco biography books

Pascual Orozco - Wikipedia

    On August 31, , a Texas posse lynched five “horse thieves.” One of them, it turned out, was General Pascual Orozco Jr., military hero of the Mexican Revolution.

Orozco - by Raymond Caballero (Paperback)

About the Book

A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this revolutionary's meteoric rise and ignominious descent, including the purposely obscured circumstances of his death at the hands of a lone, murderous lawman.

Book Synopsis

On August 31, 1915, a Texas posse lynched five "horse thieves." One of them, it turned out, was General Pascual Orozco Jr., military hero of the Mexican Revolution. Was he a desperado or a hero? Orozco's death proved as controversial as his storied life, a career of mysterious contradictions that Raymond Caballero puzzles out in this book.

A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this revolutionary's meteoric rise and ignominious descent, including the purposely obscured circumstances of his death at the

Orozco : the life and death of a Mexican revolutionary

  • This is a biography of Pascual Orozco, Mexican revolutionary hero and paradox.
  • Book Review: Orozco - HistoryNet

  • A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this revolutionary’s meteoric rise and ignominious.
  • Orozco - By Raymond Caballero (paperback) - Target

    Lynching Pascual Orozco: Mexican Revolutionary Hero and ...

      On August 31, 1915, a Texas posse lynched five “horse thieves.” One of them, it turned out, was General Pascual Orozco Jr., military hero of the Mexican Revolution.
    A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this revolutionary's.
    A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this revolutionary’s meteoric rise and ignominious.
    A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this.

    Mexican Rebel. Pascual Orozco and the Mexican Revolution ...

      A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this revolutionary’s meteoric rise and ignominious descent, including the purposely obscured circumstances of his death at the hands of a lone, murderous lawman.

    Orozco: The Life and Death of a Mexican Revolutionary - AbeBooks

  • A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco.
  • Traitor or hero? Former El Paso mayor’s new biography ...

  • A long-overdue biography of a significant but little-known and less understood figure of Mexican history, Orozco tells the full story of this revolutionary’s meteoric rise and ignominious descent, including the purposely obscured circumstances of his death at the hands of a lone, murderous lawman.
  • Orozco: The Life and Death of a Mexican Revolutionary - Goodreads

      Pascual Orozco rose from a independent-minded and traditionally vigilant region to become arguably one of the most important military leaders of the revolution.