President james knox polk biography of michael

president james knox polk biography of michael

president james knox polk biography of michael2

  • James Knox Polk (/ p oʊ k /; [1] November 2, 1795 – June 15, 1849) was the 11th president of the United States, serving from 1845 to 1849.
  • James Polk - Presidency, Facts & Death - Biography

  • James Knox Polk (/ p oʊ k /; [1] November 2, – June 15, ) was the 11th president of the United States, serving from to A protégé of Andrew Jackson and a member of the Democratic Party, he was an advocate of Jacksonian democracy and extending the territory of the United States.
  • James Knox Polk
    11th United States President
    « PreviousNext »
    In officeMar. 4, 1845 – Mar. 4, 1849
    V. PresidentGeorge Dallas
    Political PartyDemocratic Party
    Personal Info
    BornNov. 2, 1795
    DiedJune 15, 1849 (at age 53)
    SchoolUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    ProfessionLawyer, Planter
    WifeSarah Childress

    James Knox Polk, the eleventh U.S. President, and one of the most highly acclaimed U.S. Presidents, was born in Mecklenburg, North Carolina to a family of ten. Samuel, his father, was a farmer and slaveholder. His mother, Jane, descended from a brother of religious reformer, John Knox. James was named after his grandfather and like most of the early settlers who are of Scots-Irish descent in North Carolina, the Knoxes and Polks were Presbyterian.

    His mother was a devotee of the Presbyterian beliefs, while his father rejected the dogmatic nature of the faith.

    The Presidents - Biography: 11. James Knox Polk | PBS ...

  • James Knox Polk was the 11th president of the United States, serving from 1845 to 1849.
  • James Knox Polk - Tidbits of History

      James Polk was the 11th president of the United States, known for his territorial expansion of the nation chiefly through the Mexican-American War.
    president james knox polk biography of michael4

    The Best Biographies of James Polk

      James Knox Polk, the eleventh U.S. President, and one of the most highly acclaimed U.S. Presidents, was born in Mecklenburg, North Carolina to a family of ten.
    where was james k polk born BIOGRAPHIES OF JAMES K. POLK · Biography of James K. Polk by John C. Pinheiro · Biography of James K.
    james k polk vice president James K. Polk was the 11th president of the United States (1845–49).
    james k polk fun facts It would take World War One era scholars to raise the eleventh president from the dustbin of history, and they ini- tiated a century-long historiographical.

    James K. Polk Biography - 11th U.S. President Timeline & Life

  • He accomplished every major goal that he set for himself as President and in the process successfully waged war against Mexico, obtaining for the United States.
  • JAMES KNOX POLK - God and Country

      Often referred to as the first "dark horse" President, James K. Polk was the last of the Jacksonians to sit in the White House, and the last strong President until the Civil War. He was born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in 1795.

    President James Knox Polk (1795–1849) -

      Often referred to as the first "dark horse" President, James K. Polk was the last of the Jacksonians to sit in the White House, and the last strong President until the Civil War. He was born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in