Reginald maudling monty python spanish inquisition

reginald maudling monty python spanish inquisition
monty python movies in order Monty Python Number 24, Reginald Maudling's shin.
monty python parrot sketch "The Spanish Inquisition" is an episode and recurring segment in the British sketch comedy TV series Monty Python's Flying Circus, specifically series 2 episode 2 (first broadcast 22 September 1970), that satirises the Spanish Inquisition.
monty python netflix Reginald Maudling, a contemporary He was equally at home as the indefatigable Cardinal Ximinez of Spain in "The Spanish Inquisition" sketch.

Exploding Penguin on the TV Set | Monty Python Wiki | Fandom

  • "The Spanish Inquisition" is an episode and recurring segment in the British sketch comedy TV series Monty Python's Flying Circus, specifically series 2 episode 2 (first broadcast 22 September ), that satirises the Spanish Inquisition.
  • The Spanish Inquisition | Monty Python Wiki | Fandom

    The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python) -

  • Naughty Bits is a sketch that appears in "How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body," the twenty-second episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
  • Spot The Braincell | Matt's Monty Python Repository

      On the old “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” series, there were always a lot of jokes about someone named Reginald Maudlin (correct the spelling, if it’s way off).

    The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python)  

    From The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia

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    "The Spanish Inquisition" is a series of sketches in Monty Python's Flying Circus, Series 2 Episode 2parodying the real-life Spanish Inquisition. This episode is itself entitled "The Spanish Inquisition". The sketches are notable for their principal catchphrase, "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

    Plot synopsis

    This is a recurring sketch always predicated on an unrelated sketch in which one character, expressing irritation at being questioned by another, would announce: "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition!" At this point, the Inquisition — consisting of CardinalXiménez (Michael Palin), and his assistants Cardinal Biggles (Terry Jones), and Cardinal Fang (Terry Gilliam) — would burst into the room at the sound of a jarring chord. Ximénez would shout, with a particular and high-pitched emphasis on the first syllable: "Nobody expects

    Mrs Scum | Monty Python Wiki | Fandom

      On the old “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” series, there were always a lot of jokes about someone named Reginald Maudlin (correct the spelling, if it’s way off).

    The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python) - Wikipedia

  • The Spanish Inquisition is a three-part sketch that appears in "The Spanish Inquisition," the fifteenth episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
  • The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python) - Wikiwand

      • The Spanish Inquisition would burst into a previously unrelated sketch whenever their name was mentioned.

    Monty Python and Reginald "Maudlin" (not sure of spelling)

  • The Spanish Inquisition and hedgehogs.
  • Monty Python - The Spanish Inquisition - YouTube

      "The Spanish Inquisition" is a series of sketches in Monty Python's Flying Circus that satirize the real-life Spanish Inquisition, featuring the famous catchphrase "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!".