Rudi dutschke quotes about life
Long march through the institutions
Strategy of building skills and counterinstutions
The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by socialist student activist Rudi Dutschke around to describe his strategy to create radical change in government by becoming part of it.[1] The phrase "long march" is a reference to the physical Long March of the Chinese communist army.
Similarities have been drawn between the long march and Antonio Gramsci's idea of "war of position".[3][4] Evidence is lacking, however, that Dutschke was aware of Gramsci's work at the time.[3] There is no mention of Gramsci in Dutschke's diaries or biography, contrasting with many mentions of György Lukács, Che Guevara, and Mao Zedong.[3]
Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch met Dutschke at Bad Boll in , and admired his integrity and determination, qualities that he had written abou
Why Germany's 1968 movement hasn't failed – DW – 04/11/2018
- Rudi Dutschke was probably the most known face and voice of the German student protests in and On 11 April , he was shot three times in Berlin by the 23 year old laborer Josef Bachmann.
Rudi Dutschke - Gute Zitate
Attempt on Rudi Dutschke’s life, symbolic figure of the ...
Rudi Dutschke - Wikipedia
Rudi Dutschke - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Rudi Dutschke (Author of Jeder hat sein Leben ganz zu leben)
Stirring up society – DW – 12/24/2009 -
- Alfred Willi Rudolf "Rudi" Dutschke (German: [ˈʁuːdi ˈdʊtʃkə]; 7 March – 24 December ) was a German sociologist and political activist who, until severely injured by an assassin in , was a leading charismatic figure within the Socialist Students Union (SDS) in West Germany, and that country's broader "extra-parliamentary.
“We can change. | |
Biografie: Alfred Willi Rudi Dutschke, Rufname Rudi, war ein deutscher marxistischer Soziologe und politischer Aktivist. | |
There are revolutionary groups, including student revolutionaries, who are promoting revolution in an endeavour to undermine our society. |
Long march through the institutions - Wikipedia
- On December 24, , Germany lost a shining star - Rudi Dutschke, leader of the s student movement that demanded social change.
Mrs. Rudi Dutschke - The Berliner
- On December 24, , Germany lost a shining star - Rudi Dutschke, leader of the s student movement that demanded social change.