Saint isaac jogues wiki

saint isaac jogues wiki

Saint Isaac Jogues | The Society of Jesus -

    Isaac Jogues SJ (10 January – 18 October ) was a French missionary and martyr who traveled and worked among the Iroquois, Huron, and other Native populations in North America.

Auriesville, New York - Wikipedia

    Isaac Jogues SJ (10 January 1607 – 18 October 1646) was a French missionary and martyr who traveled and worked among the Iroquois, Huron, and other Native populations in North America.
St. Isaac Jogues - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Online

Saints Jean de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues and Companions


How to pronounce St. Isaac Jogues |

  • Isaac Jogues, SJ (10 January 1607 – 18 October 1646) was a French missionary and martyr who traveled and worked among the Iroquois, Huron, and other Native.
  • Isaac Jogues - American Saints and Causes

  • Isaac Jogues () became well known in France when he returned after escaping from slavery among the Mohawks in Canada with his hands badly mutilated from torture.
  • St. Isaac Jogues

    Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99...

    French missionary, born at Orléans, France, 10 January, 1607; martyred at Ossernenon, in the present State of New York, 18 October, 1646. He was the first Catholicpriest who ever came to Manhattan Island (New York). He entered the Society of Jesus in 1624 and, after having been professor of literature at Rouen, was sent as a missionary to Canada in 1636. He came out with Montmagny, the immediate successor of Champlain. From Quebec he went to the regions around the great lakes where the illustrious Father de Brébeuf and others were labouring. There he spent six years in constant danger. Though a daring missionary, his character was of the most practical nature, his purpose always being to fix his people in permanent habitations. He was

    isaac jogues patron saint of He was the first Catholic priest who ever came to Manhattan Island (New York).
    interesting facts about st isaac jogues St.
    what is st isaac jogues known for They are collectively the secondary patron saints of Canada.

    Isaac Jogues (1607-1646) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree


    Athletics - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church - St. Clair ...

  • Jogues was born in Orleans, France on Jan. 10, 1607 and entered the Jesuits at Rouen when he was 17 years old.
  • Life of St. Isaac Jogues — St. Isaac Jogues - Wayne, PA

  • The Mohawks tortured Jogues by partly mutilating his fingers.