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Simaro Lutumba
Congolese musical artist (–)
"Simaro" redirects here. Not to be confused with Simarro.
Musical artist
Simaro Massiya Lutumba Ndomanueno (19 March – 30 March ), known as Simaro, was a Congolese musicrhythm guitarist, songwriter, poet, composer, and bandleader.[1][2] He was a member of the seminal Congo music band TPOK Jazz, which dominated the music scene in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from the s to the s.[3][4]
Early life
Simaro was born in Uíge Province, Angola.[citation needed]
Music career with OK Jazz
Simaro started playing with Franco Luambo, the founder of OK Jazz, in They were later joined by Josky Kiambukuta and Ndombe Opetum. Youlou Mabiala and Madilu System also played with OK Jazz, before their solo careers. Simaro served as Vice President of the band for many years and led the group during Franco's long trips to Europe during the s. His composition of the band's hit song '
'Simaros' Lutumba Ndomamueno 'Masiya' - ArtistInfo
- Simaro Massiya Lutumba Ndomanueno (19 March – 30 March ), known as Simaro, was a Congolese music rhythm guitarist, songwriter, poet, composer, and bandleader.
Lutumba Simaro biography - Kenya Page
- Simaro Massiya Lutumba Ndomanueno (19 March – 30 March ), popularly known as Simaro, was a soukous rhythm guitarist, songwriter and bandleader in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Simaro Massiya Lutumba Ndomanueno (19 March 1938 – 30 March 2019), popularly known as Simaro, was a soukous rhythm guitarist, songwriter and bandleader in the. | |
Lutumba Massiya Simaro Ndomanueno was born on March 19 Prior to joining TP OK Jazz, Simaro started his musical career as rhythm guitarist at with Orchestre Micra. | |
Lutumba Massiya Simaro Ndomanueno was born on March 19 1938. |
Congolese musician Simaro Massiya Lutumba dies in paris
Meet DRC’s music great Simaro - Nation
Explore the Legacy of Simaro Massiya in Congolese Rhumba - TikTok
- DR Congo music icon Simaro Lutumba Masiya lives in a rather humble residence in a crowded neighbourhood in Kinshasa, but his abode stands out.
Simaro Massiya Lutumba - Maya - YouTube
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- Simaro Massiya Lutumba Ndomanueno (19 March – 30 March ), popularl Read Full Bio ↴ Simaro Massiya Lutumba Ndomanueno (19 March – 30 March ), popularly known as Simaro, was a soukous rhythm guitarist, songwriter and bandleader in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).