The art of literary biography

the art of literary biography


"Excellent....It is the fact that biography shares two `homes'--the academy and the commercial market--that make it such a fruitful area for further scrutiny. The Art of Literary Biography points the way."--New Statesman and Society (UK)"A most attractive seminar on the art, or craft, of telling the story of story-tellers' existences."--The Observer"The best of these writers highlight what fun biography can be, and so shed light on a fascinating cultural phenomenon."--Financial Times"[A] sprightly collection of essays on the art of biography."--Sunday Times"[An] excellent book....The Art of Literary Biography offers an intriguing look at variety within the genre."--Isis


`sprightly collection of essays'
Sunday Times

`deftly edited ... the collection as a whole is refreshingly free from the excesses of lit-crit gobbledegook.'
Literary Review

`excellent book of essays'
New Statesman and Society

'a most attractive seminar on the art, or craft, of telling the story of

The Art of Literary Biography | Oxford Academic

  • Is literary biography so widely read for popular, ‘prurient’ reasons, or for ‘reputable’ intellectual reasons?
  • Secondary Lives: Biography in Context | The Art of Literary ...

      Is literary biography so widely read for popular, ‘prurient’ reasons, or for ‘reputable’ intellectual reasons?

    The Art of Biography - Virginia Woolf - Google Books

      Always a popular genre, biography has become one of the most immediate and accessible modes of writing about literature and literary figures.

    The Art of Literary Biography - ResearchGate

      This book examines such literary figures as Conrad, Lawrence, Huxley, Virginia Woolf, and the poets Elizabeth Bishop and Lord Rochester, while addressing the nature and form of literary.
    A Life for a Life | The Art of Literary Biography | Oxford ...

    The art of literary biography | Semantic Scholar

  • In this revealing new work seventeen leading critics and professional biographers discuss a broad range of issues, including the relationships between.
  • The art of literary biography by Batchelor, John - Open Library

      Always a popular genre, biography has become one of the most immediate and accessible modes of writing about literature and literary figures.

    The Art of Literary Biography Hardcover -

  • Is literary biography so widely read for popular, 'prurient' reasons, or for reputable intellectual reasons?
  • Always a popular genre, biography has become one of the most immediate and accessible modes of writing about literature and literary figures.
    This book examines such literary figures as Conrad, Lawrence, Huxley, Virginia Woolf, and the poets Elizabeth Bishop and Lord Rochester, while addressing the nature and form of literary.
    Is literary biography so widely read for popular, "prurient" reasons, or for reputable intellectual reasons?

    The Art of Literary Biography - Google Books

  • The Art of Literary Biography ; Antal sidor, 300 ; Utg.datum, 1995-02-01 ; Upplaga, illustrated ed ; Medarbetare, Batchelor, John ; Illustrationer, 8pl.