Jonathan e brockopp biography of martin luther

jonathan e brockopp biography of martin luther

The Cambridge Companion to Muhammad (Cambridge Companions to ...

  • The book is divided into three sections, the first charting his biography and the milieu into which he was born, the revelation of the Qur'ān, and his role.
  • Martin Luther | Biography, Protestant Reformation, Beliefs ...

      Biography: My primary research focus is on the literary remains of early Islamic cultures, including the Qur’an, hadith, legal and theological texts.

    Jonathan Brockopp - Department of History

  • Jonathan E. Brockopp is associate professor of history and religious stud- ies at Pennsylvania State University.
  • Jonathan Brockopp - Rock Ethics Institute

    Jonathan Eugene Brockopp - Middle Eastern Studies
    Jonathan E. Brockopp is associate professor of history and religious studies at.
    “The Rise of Islam in a Judaeo-Christian Context” in Light Upon Light: Essays in Islamic Thought and History in Honor of Gerhard Bowering, edited by Jamal Elias and Bilal Orfali.
    The book is divided into three sections, the first charting his biography and the milieu into which he was born, the revelation of the Qur'an, and his role.

    Prof. Dr. Jonathan Brockopp

    September - December 2024

    Research Project: Manuscripts and Trade Routes to Kairouan

    My project focuses on the Kairouan collection of Arabic manuscripts, an unusually old collection, largely produced during the heyday of this city, from 800 to 1057, when Kairouan helped shape the politics, economics, and intellectual history of the central Mediterranean. Like their counterparts in the rest of the Islamic Empire, Kairouani scholars travelled in search of knowledge, and students from both Andalusia and Egypt (also Syria and Iraq) came to Kairouan. The manuscripts hold clues to these travels, including examples of imported paper and student notes in the margins. I will compare analysis of this material and paratextual evidence with historical accounts to better understand the economic, material, and political contexts that made this city such a successful example of Islamication.

    My broader goal for this research is to write a history of the Kairouan m

    Jonathan Brockopp - Department of Philosophy

  • Jonathan E. Brockopp 2 Islamic Ethics of Life: Abortion, War and Euthanasia.
  • Islamic ethics of life by Jonathan E. Brockopp | Open Library

      My primary research focus is on the literary remains of early Islamic cultures, including the Qur'an, hadith, legal and theological texts.

    King: The Life of Martin Luther King -

  • 2016 Jonathan E. Brockopp 17 1996 Grant from College of Liberal Arts to support development of new General Education integrative studies (IS) course on the Ethics of Climate Change Major grant ($35,000) from the Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum program to support teaching of HIST 108 (Crusades) simultaneously at Penn State and Michigan State.
  • JONATHAN E. BROCKOPP, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University ...

      Studies in Islamic History and Civilization (Leiden: E.J. Brill), 2019, 24-44.