Saeculum obscurum wikileaks
Saeculum oscuro - AcademiaLab
- Saeculum obscurum (Ecclesiastical Latin: [ˈsɛːm obsˈkuː.rum], "the dark age/century"), also known as the Pornocracy or the Rule of the Harlots, was a period in the history of the papacy during the first two thirds of the 10th century, following the chaos after the death of Pope Formosus in which saw seven or eight papal.
The Terrible Twenties? The Assholocene? What to Call Our ...
Dark Ages (historiography) - Wikipedia
- Saeculum obscurum (Ecclesiastical Latin: [ˈsɛːm obsˈkuː.rum], "the dark age/century"), also known as the Pornocracy or the Rule of the Harlots, was a period in the history of the papacy during the first two thirds of the 10th century, following the chaos after the death of Pope Formosus in which saw seven or eight papal.
The Third Pornocracy: the Current Crisis in the Church
- The term was coined to refer to the period that Cardinal Baronius called “the dark age” (saeculum obscurum): the tenth century Papacy.
Medieval Europe: The Myth of Dark Ages and the - JSTOR
- Saeculum Obscurum was perhaps originally used for political turmoil in the tenth and eleventh centuries,5 but later came to be synonymously used for the entire Middle Ages and not only for the early phase as some tend to believe.
Bad Popes and the Saeculum Obscurum - Taylor Marshall
Synod of Rome (963)
Possibly uncanonical synod held in St. Peter's Basilica
The Synod of Rome (963) was a possibly uncanonical synod held in St. Peter's Basilica from 6 November until 4 December 963, under the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor, Otto I to depose Pope John XII. The events of the synod were recorded by Liutprand of Cremona.
John XII was one of a long line of popes elected in the period called by Church historian, Cardinal Baronius, the Saeculum obscurum ("the Dark Age") of the Papacy, when the Holy See was dominated by two courtesans of the family of the Counts of Tusculum, Theodora and Marozia. These two courtesans effectively ruled papal Rome and the Papal States and dominated papal elections ensuring that only their lovers, family and allies were elected pope.
Marozia, born Maria and also known as Mariuccia or Mariozza (c. 890 – 937), was a Roman noblewoman who was the alleged mistress of Pope Sergius III and was given the unpreced
Saeculum obscurum - The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia
The Papal Dark Age: Corruption and Reform in Church History
how many years ago is .02 million years | Saeculum obscurum, or "Rule of the Harlots" period of the papacy. |
praetorian guard 40k | Saeculum Obscurum was perhaps originally used for political turmoil in the tenth and eleventh centuries,5 but later came to be synonymously used for the entire Middle Ages and not only for the early phase as some tend to believe. |
praetorian guard | The term "Dark Age" derives from the Latin saeculum obscurum, originally applied by Caesar Baronius in 1602 to a tumultuous period in the 10th. |